Ключові слова:
personnel management system in TNK, transnational corporations, the principles of human resource management, HR mechanism in transnational structureАнотація
The article covers theoretical issues and practical aspects of the study of personnel management processes in transnational companies. Definition the essence of of transnational corporations. Features and functions of management and control in transnational corporations. The basic organizational structure of transnational companies. A generalized definition of the content of personnel management process, shown the typology of transnational structures and their comparison. By the example of Google Inc. illustrated the current applications of human resource management principles. In accordance with this article fleshed out the negative and positive consequences of the impact of human resource management system in transnational corporations. Developed provisions shall improve the stability of the company functionality. Exactly these provisions were aimed at improving precisely such tasks as: improving creation and motivation of staff, identification of problems in personnel management, improve the management structure, improvement of technical progress, and others.Посилання
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