
  • K. Kopishynska National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Україна
  • A. Kosynska National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Україна

Ключові слова:

information and communication technologies, implementation, international activity, e-commerce, blockchain, artificial intelligence


The globalization of the world economy necessitates the search for ways and means of cooperation beyond the borders of the countries. To be competitive, it is necessary to meet modern business conditions. The absence of a website, an automated inventory management system, a supply tracking system, a customer relationship management system, etc. can slow down development rates, increase costs and reduce profits, loss of suppliers and partners. The implementation of ICT can radically change the ways of functioning and efficiency of the enterprise. It has even become one of the benchmarks in the Global Competitiveness Index. The study analyzed the cost of world trade and found that in the period 1996-2014 their level decreased from 10 to 17% in different regions. An analysis of the structure of world trade expenditures revealed that in the commodity trade, ICT costs take second place after transportation costs and in trade of services - the first place. Research on the use of cloud technologies, such as e-mail, office software, enterprise database hosting, file storage, financial or accounting software, computing capacity for enterprises, CRM systems,by enterprises in EU countries and in Ukraine has made it possible to identify key differences between them. It is suggested to use such forms of ICT and IT products as e-commerce, blockchain and artificial intelligence for the development of international enterprise activity. E-commerce can take the following forms: online stores, announcement services, and online payment systems. Blockchain is proposed to be used for the control and tracking of goods in the global supply chain, the formation of smart contracts with foreign partners, reducing the time of payment for international transactions, eliminating the possibility of replacement or recording of data that is reserved. It is advisable to use artificial intelligence to improve the quality of forecasts of future trends in international markets, for example, changes in consumer demand, risk management in the supply chain in international supply. Thus, it is established that in the international activity of enterprises ICT саn simplify and automate business processes, stimulate business to development, implement convenient control systems, reduce the time and financial resources needed to make decisions, break down linguistic and legal barriers in the exit process to markets.


Information and communication technology. Wikipedia: web-site. URL: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki

Schwab K. (2019). The Global Competitiveness Report. World Economic Forum. URL: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2019.pdf

World Trade Report 2018. The future of world trade: How digital technologies are transforming global commerce. URL: https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/publications_e/world_trade_report18_e.pdf

Digital economy and society statistics – enterprises. URL: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Digital_economy_and_society_statistics_-_enterprises#Use_of_cloud_computing_services

The use of ICTs by Ukrainian enterprises. Ukrstat: web-site. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

ECLAC. Electronic Commerce, International Trade and Employment: Review of The Issues. UN, Economic comission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAS, Washington Office, April 2002, pp 1-30.

E-commerce. Glossary: web-site. URL: https://www.seonews.ru/glossary/elektronnaya-kommertsiya/.

The impact of artificial intelligence on international trade URL: https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-international-trade/.





